Tenant Fees

Please note we do not charge tenant fees prior to an agreement being signed.

Listed below are fees that may/will be incurred after tenancy is agreed.

Change of Sharer at Tenant’s Request

£50 inc VAT per replacement tenant or any reasonable costs incurred if higher. To cover the costs associated with taking landlord’s instructions, new tenant referencing and Right-to-Rent checks, deposit registration as well as the preparation and execution of new legal documents.

Early Termination at the Tenant’s Request

Should the tenant wish to leave their contract early and the landlord consents to this, they shall be liable to the landlord’s costs in re-letting the property as well as all rent due under the tenancy until the start date of the replacement tenancy. These costs will be no more than the maximum amount of rent outstanding on the tenancy.

Administration Charges

Late Payment of Rent

Interest at 3% above the Bank of England Base Rate from Rent Due Date until paid in order to pursue non-payment of rent.

Lost Keys or Other Security Devices

Tenants are liable to the actual cost of replacing any lost keys or other security devices. If the loss results in locks needing to be changed, the actual costs of a locksmith, new lock and replacement keys for the tenant, landlord and any other persons requiring keys will be charged to the tenant. If extra costs are incurred there will be a charge of £15 per hour inc VAT for the time taken replacing lost keys or other security devices.

Variation of Contract at the Tenant’s Request

£50 inc VAT per agreed variation. To cover the costs associated with taking landlord’s instructions as well as the preparation and execution

Use non-scratch kitchen, bathroom and household cleaners on all sinks, baths, showers, units and any other surface.

To avoid the possibility of condensation, ventilate the Property, whenever practical throughout the Tenancy.

Clean all glass and all internal window surfaces where reasonably accessible at least once a month during the Tenancy.

If applicable, to keep the garden in good condition, properly cultivated and free of weeds and not to remove anything and to deliver up at the end of the Tenancy in as good condition as at the commencement.


The Landlord/Agent shall charge the Tenant £50 for any noise nuisance callout and £20 for any letters written in connection with noise nuisance.

Notify the Landlords Agent forthwith in writing if it is intended that the Property shall be left vacant for any continuous period of fourteen days or more.


Not obstruct any common passageways staircases and hallway of the Property nor place or keep anything thereon or therein. Any items left in the common ways will be removed and disposed of at a minimum charge of £50 each time

Non-Payment of Rent and Arrears

If the Rent or any part shall be in arrears for at least 21 days after it shall have become due, whether legally demanded or not, or if there shall be a breach of any of this Agreement by the Tenants the Landlord may re- enter the Property, subject to the Landlord obtaining a Court Order for Possession, and immediately thereon the Tenancy shall terminate without prejudice to the other rights and remedies of the Landlord.

The Tenant shall pay interest at the rate of 3% above the base lending rate of a clearing bank upon any Rent or other monies due under this Agreement which is more than 14 days in arrears in respect of the date from when it became due to the date of payment.

The Rent shall be paid by means of Standing Order, Direct Debit, BACS or direct bank transfer only.

The Deposit

The Landlord agrees that he shall register the Deposit with one of the Government authorised Tenancy Deposit protection schemes and shall inform the Tenant of the details of the relevant scheme and the procedures for recovery of the Deposit at the end of the Tenancy, including the procedures for resolving a dispute, within fourteen days of receiving the Deposit from the Tenant.

The Landlord shall also confirm to the Tenant the amount of Deposit paid, the address of the property to which the Tenancy relates, and the contact details of Landlord and Tenant. He shall inform the Tenant of the circumstances in which all or part of the Deposit may be retained by the Landlord in relation to the terms of this Tenancy Agreement.

The Deposit shall be returned to the Tenant within ten working days of the end of the Tenancy, upon vacant possession of the Property and return of the keys if the Tenant has kept to all the Agreements and conditions within this Agreement.

The Landlord agrees that as soon as practicable after the determination of the Tenancy, howsoever it may be determined, the Landlord shall account to the Tenant for such part of the Deposit as the Landlord shall deem necessary to enable the Landlord as at the date of such determination to make good any breach or non-compliance by the Tenant with his obligations hereunder and to pay all costs, charges and expenses incurred in connection therewith. The Landlord shall account to the Tenant for any balance of such sum. The Landlord shall follow the procedures of the relevant scheme to seek recovery of the Deposit or to resolve a dispute over recovery of all or part of the Deposit.

The Landlord shall retain any interest earned during the Tenancy on all or part of the Deposit which he retains.

Tenancy Deposit Protection Service

The Agent is member of a Tenancy Deposit protection scheme which provides an independent and impartial method of resolving any differences between Landlords and Tenants at the end of a Tenancy. At the end of a Tenancy the Landlord and Tenant should attempt to agree the basis for repayment of the Deposit. If there is a dispute the service provides for the case to be dealt with by an independent case examiner. The examiner is an impartial qualified expert who will make a decision and therefore avoid the need for potentially protracted court action.

The Deposit Protection Service, The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 6AA

T: 0330 303 0030
E: [email protected]
W: www.depositprotection.com

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